YSEEAM – Youth Social Entrepreneurship Education for All with Moodle

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  • Start:01-11-2019 – End: 31-10-2021
  • Project Reference: 608763-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBY-ACPALA
  • Programme: Erasmus+
  • Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
  • Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia

YSEEAM: Youth Social Entrepreneurship Education for All with Moodle takes roots on the threshold of an approaching Fourth Industrial Revolution in which automation and massive digitalisation is predicted to radically alter the status-quo relation between trainers- trainees, youth workers – youths and their place in the learning process; as well as the future’s Skills Demand. Entrepreneurship – Analytical thinking – Leadership and Social Influence are predicted by World Economic Forum (2018) to continue to be most essential skills for future jobs. In the face of those challenges, youth work shall need to anticipate trends and adapt to new technological changes in order to confirm its indispensable role in the new digital age.

The project aims to consolidate the role of youth workers in promoting youth social entrepreneurship by enriching them with the core knowledge of social entrepreneurship, youth work skills, and particularly the technical know-how to open their relevant courses on MOODLE as a new, innovative, far-reaching way of doing youth work. Simultaneously, YSEEAM aspires to develop a new form of youth work methods in the efforts to make its digital shift.

Towards the above goal, YSEEAM plans a series of interlinking CB and Mobilities activities within 24 months that shall result in the production of 07 Mini-Moodle Courses in all project countries, a final Full Moodle Course of the project, and the project Handbook “Moodling Youth Work” detailing how to use Moodle to do Youth Work.
Fundamental activities include: Kick-off meeting – Training Course- Youth Consultation Workshops- Implementation of Pilot Moodle Course- Job Shadowing- Local Seminars- Final Conference.

Taking into account the inherent global factor of entrepreneurship and digital learning, YSEEAM consortium brings together 7 partners from three continents for wider and enriching realities and viewpoints. There will be 3 partners from Europe (Italy- Coordinator, Denmark and Greece), 2 partners from Asia (Indonesia and Nepal), and 2 partners from Africa (Ghana and South Africa).

For the beneficiaries participants:
– On their competences: enhanced entrepreneurial knowledge and relevant youth work skills (lab-styled learning, digital youth work).
– On their awareness and motivation: ready to embrace changes, flexible, driven for life-long learning
– On their attitude towards NFE: highly adaptable and transformational in forms, overcoming spatial limits, attractive and helpful to support youths’ initiatives.
For participating organizations, they can benefit from the new “YSEEAM” approach that can then be integrated in their respective daily training practice an improve their intervention capacity in combining competencies and digital power. Lastly, the Massive Online learning potential shall enable large outreach to all disadvantaged youth and interested stakeholders.