VALENCIA, With great pleasure, New Horizons recently had the chance to return to Valencia – the City of Arts and Science in the frame of VOCCESS ONLINE – Strategic Partnership in the field of Youth, funded by Erasmus+ Programme from 20-23 Feb 2019.
VOCCESS, within 24 months of its duration, shall develop an interactive online program for career orientation that helps students aged 19-26 to build a career they love based on proven teaching and coaching practices.
The Kick-off Meeting was warmly welcome by the Municipality of Quart de Poblet, a small town just a few kilometres away from Valencia, and gathered all project partners: BACKSLASH (Spain – Coordinator) New Horizons (Italy), EduCompass Foundation (Bulgaria), Aydin Kulturel Gelisim Dernegi (Turkey), and CEFE Macedonia (Macedonia).
The partnership also had the pleasure to be received by one of the Councillors of Quart de Poblet, who expressed joy and made compliments on the partnership for such a useful project for local youths.
The Kick-off Meeting was the first occasion during which partners got to know each other, revise project objectives, discuss implementation in details with practical local insights and experiences, as well as set deadlines for tasks to be delivered by all partners.
VOCCESS shall produce the following Intellectual Outputs:
(1) Innovative methodology for career orientation and career (IO1)
(2) Educational materials (IO2)
(3) Profiling system (IO3)
(4) Interactive web platform (Io4)

The next transnational meeting will be held in Bulgaria from 20-24 June 2019, during which the Research Results and Career Orientation methodology will be evaluated.
For further information about the project, please write us at: newhorizons.contactus@gmail.com.