Innovative Coaching makes the Difference (ICD) takes shape within a difficult economic climate of stagnated growth that affects global employment prospects. Due to recent global gloomy economic climate and job scarcity, young people are the hardest hit with unemployment in comparison with adults. For these reasons, the project tries to compensate this inequality of opportunities through capacity building by means of youth work and youth empowerment, by develop youth workers’ coaching competences through the use of traditional games collected from all project’s countries as non-formal education tools.
The project seeks to boost the quality of youth work as a constructive response to youth integration, and participation in the labor market, as well as positive identity consolidation by means of personal guidance and work-orientation in order to help young NEETs reach their full potential and successfully enter the labor market in their countries.
The above aim shall be reached through the development of an innovative coaching methods designed with traditional games (Coaching Manual), together with a Competence-mapping tool to provide the base for coaching interventions.
The project cycle will include:
- Kick-off meeting
- Training Course
- Testing Workshops
- Job Shadowing
- Local Seminars
- Final Conference.
The most relevant is the impact on the beneficiaries themselves:
- Their transversal skills – specifically coaching and career counselling skills will be improved;
- Their information and knowledge on career guidance, job market demand and opportunities will be extended;
- Their awareness about the flexibility and versatility of NFL will be improved.
Participant organizations will develope their capacity on implementing training programs with youth in rural context using the specific tool of coaching through traditional games as well as important issues such as project implementation, international cooperation, and strategic development.
On the whole, we estimate that about 800 young people will directly benefit from the project.
Start: 01-12-2018 – End: 31-07-2020
Action Type: Capacity Building for youth in ACP countries, Latin America and Asia
The Innovative Coaching makes the Differecence consortium brings together 6 partners:
– EUROPEAN CULTURAL EPICENTER Bitola (Macedonia), Coordinator
– New Horizons (Italy)
– EDU COMPASS Foundation (Bulgaria)
– KIPEPEO (Kenya)
– OSVSWA (India)
– OpenM (Vietnam)