The project

In order to support and promote equality and social/digital inclusion in rural areas, the DIsinformation of SEniors in Rural Areas (DISeRA) project aims at improving the media literacy of the rural elderly-adult population in Italy, Ireland, Slovakia, North Macedonia to access, recognise and act on information through awareness-raising activities, capacity-building on basic digital skills and the creation of a European network to promote critical thinking.
Partners will review and analyze existing training material on media literacy and disinformation created by other EU projects and create a specific course for the senior rural population. The team will adapt content to transmit it through local radio programs in the Partner organizations’ languages. Classes will be recorded and will be available as “podcasts” in the webpage of local municipalities and the EPALE platform. The project will develop training works on digital skills for seniors.
The project contributes to a more aware rural adult and senior population of disinformation with stronger digital skills to sort through information and choose what to believe. Local beneficiaries who participated in mobility and training understand the role of the European Union and feel a sense of belonging to this community. Partner organizations are able to effectively cooperate transnationally and have proven capacity to address educational needs of adults and seniors in rural areas.
Start date 01-09-2022 – End date 31-08-2024
Action type: Small-scale partnerships in adult education
New Horizons (Italy), Coordinator
CPM-Centrum prevencie mladeze (Slovakia)
EurAV European Audio Visual Company Limited by Guarantee (Ireland)