New Horizons is a group of young professionals who founded the first NGO active in international cooperation in their hometown, Tusa (IT) aiming to construct “new horizons” for the imminent future of the local community, crucially young people.
Have a glimpse of our activities and accomplishments:
We make constant efforts to expand our local and international networks. If you have an idea-sparking mind, an open heart, and the wish to establish a long-lasting mutual partnership with us, please get in touch.
Here you can find our latest PIF for the 2023 Application Rounds.
Active in the field of Adults, VET, Youth, and Sports we offer many Mobility and Learning Opportunities for different age ranges, always with thorough pre- departure preparation.
Wanting to grab your backpack and live an intercultural learning experience abroad?
Study Visit su Turismo Circulare e Accessibile
Patras (Grecia), 26 Giugno - 2 Luglio 2022
Corso di Formazione in ambito VET – Programma ERASMUS+ per staff e/o aspiranti collaboratori nell’ambito del progetto InterCat Project con 27 giovani adulti provenienti da 5 Paesi diversi: Italia, Grecia, Lettonia, Spagna e Portogallo.

Tusa, October 2021
Throughout the month of October 2021, New Horizons will organize a series of Street Workout Workshops to promote Sportive participation and fitness training among the local community.
The events are open to everyone and are part of SPORTS@STREET Project (SSCP).

After months of preparation, we are very pleased to launch the Online Consultation Desk: INFO EUROPA, a project in collaboration with CESV-Messina meant to provide local entities and organizations with information and technical know-how concerning European funding opportunities, learning mobilities and international collaboration.
InterCAT's Kick-Off Meeting on Local Media
News about our first InterCAT Meeting in Tusa last July 2021 has made it to several significant local news outlets, including the Gazzetta del Sud, Nebrodi News, and Lettera Emme, thanks to its attractive topic of Accessible and Circular Tourism.

Official launch of #645 ( Sei Quattro Cinque), first book of Carmelo Di Gesaro in Tusa.

WEBINAR sulle Opportunità fornite dai Programmi Europei
WEBINAR sulle Opportunità fornite dai Programmi Europei
(IT) Lo staff di New Horizons ha partecipato in un Webinar di approfondimento sui Programmi europei di mobilità giovanile e per adulti organizzato da CESV – Centro Servizi per il Volontariato di Messina lo scorso Sabato 30 Maggio 2020, dalle ore 10.00 alle 12.00.
(EN) On 30 May 2020, in collaboration with CESV Messina, the regional network for Volunteering services, our staff delivered an Informative Session through Webinar about the “Opportunities made available by European programmes“.
If you have ever participated in an Erasmus+ Youth project with us, take part in our POST-MOBILITY REVIEW CONTEST and WIN YOUR FLIGHT TICKET FOR SUMMER-AUTUMN 2019!